Frequently Asked Questions

What is your turnaround time?

We turnaround within 2 working days with some exceptions depending on the volume of each shipment.

Will you store our products in your warehouse?
Yes, please see the storage option on pricing tab on our website
Do you accept pallets?

Yes we are completely able to accept pallets.

What happens to returns/damaged products?
The choice is yours. We will take photos of the damaged products and communicate with you on how you would like to proceed. The most common choices are to have the products returned to you or to dispose or donate them.
If we will not hear from you within 14 days we will dispose off the produces.
Do you require User Permissions to Seller Central?
Yes. We have found that this is the most efficient method of accurately intaking your shipments as well as having shipment labels printed and fixing minor changes that sometimes need to be made within Seller Central.
What is other option if I don’t want to give you the permission of Seller Central ?

No problem, you created the shipment and share the FSNKU with us through email, we prepare your inventory and share the box dimension with you for box labels

Where are you located?
We locates Texas and Pennsylvania
Can you handle Containers?
Yes. Please be advised shipping containers will be routed to our Pennsylvania warehouse only
Is Shipping Cost included in your fees?
Shipping cost is not included in our fees. It is billed to your Amazon account directly when shipping labels print from Seller Central sub-account.
You will be paying Amazon’s partnered-carrier rates (the lowest in the industry!). We do not take any part in the shipping cost.
Do you work with new sellers?


Do you work with International sellers?
Yes! We work with both domestic US and international sellers, we do have special discounted rates for them, please check the pricing tab. We do limited support for new international seller free of cost .

Request a Qoute

Whether your compnay is based outside or inside the U.S. and you needs a PICK, PACK SHIP services without your physical presence in US, we can defiantly help you.
Contact us, our team will help you at each step from shipping rules, US product regulation to customers demands. We offer a simple billing process without any long-term commitments, and made payment methods that make it convenient for you.
We seamless communication you can monitor your orders and manage inventory from anywhere, at anytime

Reach Us

Please do not hesitate to contact us.

11555 Gaston Rd, Bldg H ,
Katy, Tx 77494

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